marketing for healthcare companies

Marketing for Healthcare Companies

Competition for retailers (both e-commerce and local brick and mortar businesses) has increased exponentially over the last decade. As hundreds of new retailers enter the market daily, and companies like Amazon continue to gain market share, the need for a hyper-targeted and analytics-based marketing approach has become critical to long-term sustainability. Consumers also have thousands of options to choose from online resulting in a gradual decline in customer retention for retailers who aren’t actively cultivating their customer relationships.

Sale And Marketing Challenges For Retailers

increased market competition

Increasing Market Competition

declining sales

Declining / Plateauing Sales

struggling to retain customers

Struggling to Retain Customers

Data Integration & SWOT Analysis

Fungi Marketing starts all engagements with SWOT Analysis of the current environment coupled with data collection, insights, and recommendations. Upon completion of the analysis, Fungi Marketing reviews our findings with the client to jointly determine the perceived most critical challenges to address first.

Fungi Solutions For Retailers

Website Optimization & Design

Website Optimization & Design

Digital Media & Search Engine Marketing

Digital Media & Search Engine Marketing

CRM Marketing

CRM Marketing

Typical Results

Ongoing optimization projects coupled with better insights into sales and marketing data begin having a positive impact within 3 months of our engagement. On average after twelve consecutive months of Fungi digital sales and marketing management, clients typically experience a fifteen percent (15%) increase in revenue coupled with a ten percent (10%) decrease in acquisition cost. 

Retail Client Case Studies

Apparel Company

Subscription Box Company

Aromatherapy Company