uber-email-animated-gifInternet browsers this day and age have become significantly more robust, allowing programmers and designers the flexibility to create amazing displays, animations and interactive media. Unfortunately email clients have not kept up as well with the times and as a result a majority of the messages we receive contain the same general layouts: logo, small navigation, text, image, footer/signature, with little or no fun factor.

Enter Uber’s creative team… Below is a 252 slide animated gif, which has the appearance of a flash or video file, but is 100% compatible with email (I know this because I received this email today). This unique application of an older technique for a modern problem is a great solution to help them stand out against others.

email marketing animated gif

The use of animated gifs and other creative techniques is an excellent way to catch your users’ eyes especially with marketing automation and remarketing. Interested in building creative solutions to make your marketing more efficient? Contact our team today.